Hi, I'm Prashanth Reddy Manchal

Hi, there! 👋My name is Prashanth Reddy, and welcome to my portfolio of data analysis projects.
I am an enthusiastic learner with a deep passion for data analytics and software Engineering . Proficient in data analysis. I am equipped to extract valuable insights from complex datasets.
Languages : Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS,SQL.
Databases : MySQL.
Libraries : NumPy, Pandas , Matplotlib.
Frameworks: React.js, Bootstrap
Tools: Power BI, Tableau , Excel, PowerQuery , DAX, ELT.

Google Data Analytics Case Study:

Case Study: How Does a Bike-Share Navigate Speedy Success?

This case study showcases my adeptness in formulating data-driven inquiries for bike-share success. From data gathering to analysis, I utilized SQL, Excel, and visualization tools like Tableau to derive actionable insights. Problem-solving and adaptability were key in addressing challenges, contributing to enhancing service performance and user experience.

Adidas Sales :

Utilizing data analysis, I dissected Adidas' sales dynamics from 2020 to 2021, noting a quadrupled sales surge in 2021. Identified fluctuations, attributing Q4 2021 dip to online sales and specific product declines. Highlighted key contributors like West Gear and suggested strategies to revamp underperforming segments like Women's Athletic Footwear.

Data Analyst - Loan Portfolio Management and Risk Assessment

Analyzed loan portfolio data to assess borrower behavior and repayment trends for risk management.
Developed a risk classification system to categorize borrowers based on bounce history for effective risk mitigation.
Segmented borrowers into low, medium, and high ticket size cohorts while optimizing channel spend for repayment effectiveness.

Tasty Kitchens App

I leveraged React fundamentals to craft the Tasty Kitchens App, showcasing data fetching from an internal server, implementing class components, and employing component lifecycle methods. Demonstrated proficiency in routing, authentication, and authorization, alongside ensuring website responsiveness, offering a comprehensive display of acquired skills in a practical project.

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